Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel Member Search

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Currently Council is currently seeking an additional independent member with lived experience of disability to join the Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel.


The District Council of Grant is committed to ensuring people within our community who have a lived experience of disability whether it be physical, intellectual or mental health issues, can access services to participate in all aspects of life.

The District Council of Grant Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (2020 – 2024) sets the roadmap to achieve our vision to be a fully inclusive society that values and respects all people as equal and contributing members of the community.

The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan outlines 64 actions to be carried out over a 4year period and aims to increased accessibility across 4 key areas:

  1. Information and Communication
  2. Built Environments and Facilities
  3. Employment
  4. Programs and Services

Key action 1.4 in the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan is to establish a Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Group to advise, monitor, evaluate and review Council’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan and make recommendations as appropriate.

About the Panel


The aim of the AIAP is to effectively identify and assist in the delivery of priority actions detailed within the District Council of Grant’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan. The establishment and support of the Panel is one of a number of Council strategies for linking to people’s lived experience of the District. Other opportunities include targeted engagement and partnerships with the disability sector. The Panel’s input will ensure the current Disability Access and Inclusion Plan is rolled out successfully and will help shape future Disability Access and Inclusion Plan's.


The role of the AIAP is to provide strategic, expert and impartial advice to Council on the development, implementation, monitoring and review of policies, strategies, projects and plans with the aim to advance accessibility and inclusion opportunities of people with disability.

Membership and Term

The AIAP consists of up to 9 members, with at least 2 members being people who have lived experience of disability, whether personally or through a caring and support role, along with the following:

  • 3 Elected Members (Cr Gavin Clarke, Cr Rodney Virgo and Cr Katherine Green)
  • 4 independent members
  • 2 organisational (disability sector or related) members

The term of membership for individuals shall be 2 years, with a right to reappoint for a further 2 years. Individuals may serve for up to a maximum of 4 years. Organisational membership will be reviewed every 2 years to ensure the AIAP remains representative of the sector. Elected Members shall be appointed for a 4 year term, to coincide with the Council term. Council must appoint a Chair for the AIAP, who will be appointed for a 4 year term. It is envisaged that at least 2 meetings will be held per year, with additional meetings anticipated in the consultation period leading up to the review and adoption of the 2025 – 2029 Disability Action and Inclusion Plan.

Recruitment now open!

Council is looking for an additional independent member for the AIAP to join Cr Gavin Clarke, Cr Rodney Virgo and Cr Katherine Greene. The new member will also work alongside 2 organisational member who work in the disability sector, and 3 other independent members who have lived experience of disability.

Applications for the AIAP membership open on Friday 31 March 2023 and close Friday 5 May 2023.

There are a number of ways interested community members may apply for this position:

  • Complete the online application form below
  • Request a copy of the application (hard copy or online) from Council, complete, and return via
    • Email to link)
    • In person to Council's Principal Office at 324 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier or to the Port MacDonnell Community Complex at 5 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell.

Please contact Council on 08 8721 0444 should you require any further information or assistance with your application.

Currently Council is currently seeking an additional independent member with lived experience of disability to join the Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel.


The District Council of Grant is committed to ensuring people within our community who have a lived experience of disability whether it be physical, intellectual or mental health issues, can access services to participate in all aspects of life.

The District Council of Grant Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (2020 – 2024) sets the roadmap to achieve our vision to be a fully inclusive society that values and respects all people as equal and contributing members of the community.

The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan outlines 64 actions to be carried out over a 4year period and aims to increased accessibility across 4 key areas:

  1. Information and Communication
  2. Built Environments and Facilities
  3. Employment
  4. Programs and Services

Key action 1.4 in the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan is to establish a Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Group to advise, monitor, evaluate and review Council’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan and make recommendations as appropriate.

About the Panel


The aim of the AIAP is to effectively identify and assist in the delivery of priority actions detailed within the District Council of Grant’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan. The establishment and support of the Panel is one of a number of Council strategies for linking to people’s lived experience of the District. Other opportunities include targeted engagement and partnerships with the disability sector. The Panel’s input will ensure the current Disability Access and Inclusion Plan is rolled out successfully and will help shape future Disability Access and Inclusion Plan's.


The role of the AIAP is to provide strategic, expert and impartial advice to Council on the development, implementation, monitoring and review of policies, strategies, projects and plans with the aim to advance accessibility and inclusion opportunities of people with disability.

Membership and Term

The AIAP consists of up to 9 members, with at least 2 members being people who have lived experience of disability, whether personally or through a caring and support role, along with the following:

  • 3 Elected Members (Cr Gavin Clarke, Cr Rodney Virgo and Cr Katherine Green)
  • 4 independent members
  • 2 organisational (disability sector or related) members

The term of membership for individuals shall be 2 years, with a right to reappoint for a further 2 years. Individuals may serve for up to a maximum of 4 years. Organisational membership will be reviewed every 2 years to ensure the AIAP remains representative of the sector. Elected Members shall be appointed for a 4 year term, to coincide with the Council term. Council must appoint a Chair for the AIAP, who will be appointed for a 4 year term. It is envisaged that at least 2 meetings will be held per year, with additional meetings anticipated in the consultation period leading up to the review and adoption of the 2025 – 2029 Disability Action and Inclusion Plan.

Recruitment now open!

Council is looking for an additional independent member for the AIAP to join Cr Gavin Clarke, Cr Rodney Virgo and Cr Katherine Greene. The new member will also work alongside 2 organisational member who work in the disability sector, and 3 other independent members who have lived experience of disability.

Applications for the AIAP membership open on Friday 31 March 2023 and close Friday 5 May 2023.

There are a number of ways interested community members may apply for this position:

  • Complete the online application form below
  • Request a copy of the application (hard copy or online) from Council, complete, and return via
    • Email to link)
    • In person to Council's Principal Office at 324 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier or to the Port MacDonnell Community Complex at 5 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell.

Please contact Council on 08 8721 0444 should you require any further information or assistance with your application.

  • CLOSED: Application have closed to join the Access and Inclusions Advisory Panel. Please contact Council's Principal Office should you have any questions or concerns.
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Page last updated: 12 May 2023, 11:15 AM