Rating Review

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Consultation has concluded

District Council of Grant is seeking feedback on the proposed changes to our rating structure.

Council delivers a broad range of services with the aim of meeting the different needs across our community. Our largest revenue source is from rates, given that Council has implemented a similar rating structure for a number of years a rating review has recently been undertaken. The rating review has compared Councils current rating structure with alternatives to determine whether the distribution of rates is equitable across ratepayers.

What are the proposed changes to Councils rating structure?

A Consultation Paper has been prepared to provide a detailed overview of the review and the changes that are being proposed to Council's rating structure is available for download in in Documents section to the right of this page.

The following is a summary of the proposed changes to Councils rating structure:

  1. Transition from a General Rate to a Differential Rate by land use structure
  2. Align minimum rate to inflation
  3. Altering the rate cap to increase equity in distribution of rates
  4. Implementing a rate cap on application process.

A Rates Comparison Report has been developed so you can check current rates compared to the proposed new rates, this is available in the Documents section. You will need your rates assessment number to identify your property, instructions on how to find this is included on the top of the report.

* Please note that the property values used in the Report are as of 24 April 2021 and are determined by the Valuer General, Council does not determine the valuations of property.

Tell us what you think

As mentioned above, the Consultation Paper can be downloaded from the Documents section or hard copies are available from the Council Offices (324 Commercial St West Mt Gambier) or at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex.

Once you have reviewed the proposed structure there are a number of ways you can give us your feedback:

Online: Complete the feedback form below

In writing: Request a feedback form or collect a hard copy from the Council Office or Port MacDonnell Community Complex, and return it via email info@dcgrant.sa.gov.au,(External link) in person, or via post (District Council of Grant, PO Box 724 Mount Gambier SA 5290)

Attend the Public Meeting: Monday 31 May 2021, 5:30pm, District Council of Grant Offices. Verbal and written feedback will be accepted at this meeting.

Consultation closed 5:30pm Monday 31 May 2021.

Following the consultation period, Council was provided with a report outlining the community feedback for consideration. The consultation findings and recommendations were presented and adopted by Council on 21 June 2021.

District Council of Grant is seeking feedback on the proposed changes to our rating structure.

Council delivers a broad range of services with the aim of meeting the different needs across our community. Our largest revenue source is from rates, given that Council has implemented a similar rating structure for a number of years a rating review has recently been undertaken. The rating review has compared Councils current rating structure with alternatives to determine whether the distribution of rates is equitable across ratepayers.

What are the proposed changes to Councils rating structure?

A Consultation Paper has been prepared to provide a detailed overview of the review and the changes that are being proposed to Council's rating structure is available for download in in Documents section to the right of this page.

The following is a summary of the proposed changes to Councils rating structure:

  1. Transition from a General Rate to a Differential Rate by land use structure
  2. Align minimum rate to inflation
  3. Altering the rate cap to increase equity in distribution of rates
  4. Implementing a rate cap on application process.

A Rates Comparison Report has been developed so you can check current rates compared to the proposed new rates, this is available in the Documents section. You will need your rates assessment number to identify your property, instructions on how to find this is included on the top of the report.

* Please note that the property values used in the Report are as of 24 April 2021 and are determined by the Valuer General, Council does not determine the valuations of property.

Tell us what you think

As mentioned above, the Consultation Paper can be downloaded from the Documents section or hard copies are available from the Council Offices (324 Commercial St West Mt Gambier) or at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex.

Once you have reviewed the proposed structure there are a number of ways you can give us your feedback:

Online: Complete the feedback form below

In writing: Request a feedback form or collect a hard copy from the Council Office or Port MacDonnell Community Complex, and return it via email info@dcgrant.sa.gov.au,(External link) in person, or via post (District Council of Grant, PO Box 724 Mount Gambier SA 5290)

Attend the Public Meeting: Monday 31 May 2021, 5:30pm, District Council of Grant Offices. Verbal and written feedback will be accepted at this meeting.

Consultation closed 5:30pm Monday 31 May 2021.

Following the consultation period, Council was provided with a report outlining the community feedback for consideration. The consultation findings and recommendations were presented and adopted by Council on 21 June 2021.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    Consultation has concluded
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