Community Land Revocation Proposal Approved to Proceed

At the August 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to proceed with the revocation process over:
- Lots 500 & 501 Riddoch Highway, Tarpeena (CL023); and
- Lot 51 Riddoch Highway, Tarpeena (CL025).
Council granted authorisation to the CEO or his delegate to:
a) Make the necessary application to the Minster for Local Government, including provision of all community consultations responses,
b) If approved by the Minister, officially revoke the community land status of the relevant parcels,
c) Proceed with the process to sell the subject land, in accordance with Council’s Disposal of Land and Other Assets Policy (FINPOL03),
d) Require Timberlink to incorporate appropriate landscaping and vegetation screening in their Development Application 23009238, and
e) Provide a copy of all relevant easement information to Timberlink Australia for their reference, including but not limited to: SA Power Networks, SA Water, Telstra, and CWMS infrastructure.
A digital copy of the full report and summary of community feedback presented to Council is available for viewing via Council's website - Ordinary Council Meetings.
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