Coastal Adaptation Strategy

It has been identified that the coastline along the Limestone Coast has experienced coastal erosion and inundation, and it is expected that this is likely to increase in future years. The District Council of Grant acknowledges these hazards and has commenced a joint project, with the District Council of Robe and Wattle Range Council, to develop strategies to reduce the risk of erosion and inundation.
The project aims to identify hazards and associated risks for each coastal township by 2050 and up to the year 2100, and evaluate options to adapt and protect our communities into the future. The District Council of Grant will then specifically focus on investigating adaptation strategies for the following townships:
- Carpenter Rocks;
- Pelican Point;
- Blackfellows Caves;
- Nene Valley;
- Cape Douglas;
- Port MacDonnell;
- Racecourse Bay;
- Eight Mile Creek; and
- Donovans.
Find out more
- Read a fact sheet
- Review the Draft Coastal Adaptation Strategies document
- Attend a Community Workshop - refer below details
Get Involved
Property owners within the District Council of Grant's coastal communities and other interested parties are invited to attend a Community Workshop. These workshops will allow you to understand and ask questions about the potential impacts of coastal erosion and flooding in the district from Council's coastal management expert, and provide your input on adaptation options for Council to implement to safeguard your township.
Workshops are scheduled to occur between 6:00pm and 8:00pm on:
- Tuesday 4 March 2025 at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex, 5-7 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell
- Wednesday 5 March 2025 at the Carpenter Rocks Community Hall, 26-44 Carpenter Rocks Road, Carpenter Rocks
Following these Community Workshops, community members are invited to provide additional written feedback to be considered when developing the Coastal Adaptation Strategy. Submit your feedback via the Feedback Form below. Feedback Forms must be submitted by close of business Friday 28 March 2025.
Additional workshops will be held once a Draft Coastal Adaptation Strategy has been created. These workshops will provide our community the opportunity to review the draft document with a coastal management expert and submit your feedback on the adaptation strategies proposed. The second round of workshops are scheduled to occur in May 2025.
Next steps
Broader community consultation will follow both rounds of workshops allowing the wider District Council of Grant community an opportunity to review the Draft Coastal Adaptation Strategy and provide feedback.
Upon closure of consultation, all feedback received from the workshops and consultation period will be reviewed by the District Council of Grant and Council's coastal management expert. Amendments will be made to the Draft Coastal Adaptation Strategy, where appropriate, before the final strategy is presented to Council for endorsement.