Future FOGO

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What is FOGO?

FOGO = Food Organics and Green Organics

FOGO covers all the organic waste usually generated at home in the kitchen and the garden. Things like food scraps and grass clippings are obvious, however it also includes things like greasy cardboard, shredded paper and dog poo!

FOGO collection helps divert food and organic waste from your red rubbish bin which saves space in your rubbish bin, reduces the amount (and cost) of landfill needed and reduces your carbon footprint.

FOGO Trial

Within the 2024-2025 Annual Business Plan and Budget, Council approved to proceed with a trial of a FOGO kerbside collection with the intent to collect data on the feasibility of providing an ongoing FOGO service to residents across the district. Participation rates, load contamination information and service costs will all be collected to help inform Council leading into the next budget period and shape a potential service.

Three areas have been selected in the trial which include Nene Valley, Port MacDonnell and a rural living area from Crafter Road, Compton to Kilsby Road, OB Flat.

Key dates:

  • Monday 2 December 2024| Week 1 FOGO trial
    • Red rubbish bin collected
  • Monday 9 December 2024 | Week 2 FOGO trial
    • Green FOGO bin and yellow recycling bin collected
  • Friday 28 February 2024 | FOGO trial concludes
    • Red rubbish bin - final collection

Find out more

Have Your Say

All District Council of Grant property owners are invited to express their level of support in gaining an ongoing FOGO kerbside collection service. Have your say by:

Completing the Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) Feedback Form below


Pinning your property on the feedback map below:

  1. Sign into Your Say DCG account or create a new account
  2. Go to map
  3. Find your property by using the zoom functions
  4. Select '+' icon in the menu bar
  5. Drag and drop pin onto your property
    • Green = I DO support a future FOGO service
    • Red = I DO NOT support a future FOGO service
  6. Complete require questions
  7. Submit

Next Steps

Trial data including participation rates and load contamination, volume of waste collection over the trial period and feedback from community consultation will be reviewed by Council staff. Findings will be presented to Elected Members to help inform the 2025-2026 Annual Business Plan and Budget planning process and determine if an ongoing FOGO kerbside collection service proceeds.

It should be noted that if an ongoing service is implemented, an annual service charge would be anticipated around $85pa for a fortnightly collection. However, this is subject to the findings of the trial and subsequent community consultation.

What is FOGO?

FOGO = Food Organics and Green Organics

FOGO covers all the organic waste usually generated at home in the kitchen and the garden. Things like food scraps and grass clippings are obvious, however it also includes things like greasy cardboard, shredded paper and dog poo!

FOGO collection helps divert food and organic waste from your red rubbish bin which saves space in your rubbish bin, reduces the amount (and cost) of landfill needed and reduces your carbon footprint.

FOGO Trial

Within the 2024-2025 Annual Business Plan and Budget, Council approved to proceed with a trial of a FOGO kerbside collection with the intent to collect data on the feasibility of providing an ongoing FOGO service to residents across the district. Participation rates, load contamination information and service costs will all be collected to help inform Council leading into the next budget period and shape a potential service.

Three areas have been selected in the trial which include Nene Valley, Port MacDonnell and a rural living area from Crafter Road, Compton to Kilsby Road, OB Flat.

Key dates:

  • Monday 2 December 2024| Week 1 FOGO trial
    • Red rubbish bin collected
  • Monday 9 December 2024 | Week 2 FOGO trial
    • Green FOGO bin and yellow recycling bin collected
  • Friday 28 February 2024 | FOGO trial concludes
    • Red rubbish bin - final collection

Find out more

Have Your Say

All District Council of Grant property owners are invited to express their level of support in gaining an ongoing FOGO kerbside collection service. Have your say by:

Completing the Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) Feedback Form below


Pinning your property on the feedback map below:

  1. Sign into Your Say DCG account or create a new account
  2. Go to map
  3. Find your property by using the zoom functions
  4. Select '+' icon in the menu bar
  5. Drag and drop pin onto your property
    • Green = I DO support a future FOGO service
    • Red = I DO NOT support a future FOGO service
  6. Complete require questions
  7. Submit

Next Steps

Trial data including participation rates and load contamination, volume of waste collection over the trial period and feedback from community consultation will be reviewed by Council staff. Findings will be presented to Elected Members to help inform the 2025-2026 Annual Business Plan and Budget planning process and determine if an ongoing FOGO kerbside collection service proceeds.

It should be noted that if an ongoing service is implemented, an annual service charge would be anticipated around $85pa for a fortnightly collection. However, this is subject to the findings of the trial and subsequent community consultation.

  • Participation in FOGO Trial Extended

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    At the most recent Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 17 February 2025, it was reported that due to a sufficient amount of funding within the current 2024-2025 Budget, those participating in the Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) trial can continue the kerbside collection service until 30 June 2025 at no additional cost to them.

    The continuation of the trial will allow for further data to be gathered and fed into the 2025-2026 Annual Business Plan and Budget process. Within this process, the trial data and community consultation feedback will be reviewed and considered informing a decision on whether or not to roll out a permanent FOGO service.

    Council subsequently endorsed the continuation of the FOGO trial service in the participating areas until 30 June 2025.

    A copy of the Meeting Agenda and Minutes can be found on the District Council of Grant website.

  • Do you support a future FOGO collection service?

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    The District Council of Grant want to know if you support a future Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) kerbside collection service.

    In September 2024, Council approved to conduct a 3-month FOGO kerbside collection service trial to collect data on the feasibility of collections and consult the wider community on the level of support for providing an ongoing service.

    District Council of Grant Mayor Kylie Boston said the trial is one of the ways Council is supporting the community to reduce their carbon footprint and creating a sustainable district.

    “Food Organics and Garden Organic covers all organic waste usually generated at home in the kitchen and the garden. Collection helps divert this waste from your red rubbish bin which saves space in your rubbish bin, reduces the amount and cost of landfill, and creates compost,” Mayor Boston said.

    “Data from the current FOGO collection trial and feedback submitted during consultation will help Council make an informed decision on whether or not to roll out a permanent service in our district,”

    “I strongly encourage all our residents and local businesses to provide feedback on their level of support for a future ongoing FOGO kerbside collection at their property.”

    Investigations into a FOGO collection service stem from Council’s core strategic document, the Strategic Plan 2024 – 2034. During the Plan’s development, it was identified that enhancing recycling services, particularly food organics, is an important opportunity for Council to explore and support waste reduction.

    District Council of Grant Acting Chief Executive Officer Gary Button explained one of the objectives of the of the trial is to gauge where a service would be sought and economically viable.

    “Around 900 properties were identified in the areas of Compton, Moorak, Nene Valley and Port MacDonnell to participate in the targeted trial phase,” Mr Button said.

    “Within these areas we are testing collection routes, understanding the general allotment sizes requiring a service, identifying participation rates and load weights, and any potential load contamination issues,”

    “Both data from the trial and written feedback during consultation will be reviewed and considered during the 2025-2026 Annual Business Plan and Budget planning process to determine if an ongoing FOGO kerbside collection service proceeds.”

    District Council of Grant residents and businesses are encouraged to have their say on the Food Organics and Garden Organics kerbside collection service online at yoursaydcg.com.au. Hard copy feedback forms are available at Council’s Principal Office at 324 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier and Port MacDonnell Community Complex at 5-7 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell.

    Community consultation closes at 5:00pm Friday 28 February 2025.

  • Council endorses community consultation

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    At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 16 September 2024, Council resolved to:

    1. Receive and note Council report Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) Kerbside Collection Trial as presented on 16 September 2024.

    2. Endorse public consultation involving Trial participants and the wider District Council of Grant community.

    A copy of the meeting Agenda and Minutes can be found on Council's website at www.dcgrant.sa.gov.au/council/ordinary.

Page last updated: 07 Mar 2025, 04:56 PM