Port MacDonnell Memorial Wall Precinct & Shipwreck Walk

Have your say on the proposed proposed Memorial Wall Precinct and Shipwreck Walk commemorating the ships and lives lost at sea along the Port MacDonnell coastline.
The District Council of Grant have been working in collaboration with the Port MacDonnell & District Maritime Museum Committee over recent years to develop the proposed Port MacDonnell Memorial Wall Precinct and associated Shipwreck Walk.
A plan once beginning as a simple wall structure situated on the Port MacDonnell Village Green, has evolved to more prominently display shipwreck history and remember lives lost at sea due to boating, fishing, diving, swimming or any other water related accidents.
These projects relate to the Port MacDonnell Urban Design Framework and Master Plan, and link to The Waterfront Project at Port MacDonnell. The proposed Memorial Wall Precinct and associated Shipwreck Walk aim to enhance Council’s Waterfront developments completed in 2021.
What is proposed?
The Memorial Wall Precinct is proposed to be positioned near the entrance road at the Port MacDonnell boat ramp and wharf area serving as a reminder to the fishing community and boat ramp users to be safe when around the water.
The Precinct will incorporate a freestone curved Memorial Wall with stainless steel plaques added to its surface commemorating lives lost at sea along the along the Port MacDonnell coastline through to the Victorian/South Australian Border. Historic shipwreck artifacts including a ships wheel on wharf posts will also be showcased as a focal feature. Bench seating will be included for the local community and visitors integrated with garden beds scattered with coastal tree species.
The proposed Shipwreck Walk will link to the Memorial Wall Precinct, and features a bollard for every known local shipwreck. The Shipwreck Walk will run from the Port MacDonnell Jetty through to the new Precinct. The bollards are to be evenly placed from the Jetty through to the Precinct. A new section of walking/bike path may be required along some of the foreshore area to accommodate the walk.
The projects will be co-funded by the District Council of Grant and the Port MacDonnell & District Maritime Museum.
Get involved
The District Council of Grant is now seeking community feedback on the proposed Memorial Wall Precinct and associated Shipwreck Walk.
Review the proposed plans and have your say by:
- completing the online feedback form
- emailing feedback to info@dcgrant.sa.gov.au
- submit a hard copy feedback form to:
- Principal Office: 324 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier
- Port MacDonnell Community Complex: 5-7 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell
- Post: PO Box 724, Mount Gambier SA 5290
Feedback will be accepted from Monday 22 January until 5:00pm Monday 12 February 2024.
Hard copies of the proposed plans and feedback form are available at Council's Principal Office at 324 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier and Port MacDonnell Community Complex at 5 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell.
Council staff are also available to answer any questions which arise from reviewing the proposal. Staff can be contacted at the Principal Office on (08) 8721 0444 or info@dcgrant.sa.gov.au and/or through the Port MacDonnell Community Complex.
What's next?
All submissions will be considered by Council staff and amended plans (if required) will be presented to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Monday 18 March 2024 for endorsement, together with a summary of the submissions received during the consultation process.
Council also need to finalise all construction costs associated with the projects.
In the event that final approval is given to proceed with the projects, Council envisages building commencement in mid-2024.