Works Progressing
Works are continuing to evolve on Stage 2 of the Waterfront project with all underground infrastructure now in place and the main paths within the space completed.
Progress on the site has been kept to a measured schedule in order to create as little disruption as possible around construction areas and the existing playground throughout the towns peak tourism period.
Council has been collaborating with students at Grant High School and the Port MacDonnell Men’s Shed on various components of the new play space and these items, together with the repurposed and renovated Liberty Swing, will be installed within the next month.
The new shelters including BBQ’s and seating are due for installation last week of February and while the main pieces of play equipment have been held up in international ports, Council is confident this will not affect their ability to deliver the project on time.
Works on the Standish Street entrance node are tracking well with the new signage having been installed, and should be near completion by end of February.
Behind the scenes, Mimosa Nursery have been establishing seedlings and plantings that will form the final landscaping for the site. These are progressing well and will be ready to plant by the revised end of March completion date.