Port MacDonnell Waterfront Project

What is The Waterfront?
The Waterfront Project involves a co-ordinated re-development along Sea Parade, adjacent to the Port MacDonnell Jetty. It will bring to life the foreshore space along Sea Parade by improving community facilities, providing linkages to other parts of the township, building cohesion with the recently upgraded jetty and creating an integrated space for people to enjoy.
At a total cost of $1,875m, it’s a significant project to be undertaken by the District Council of Grant and has been made possible by two successful funding applications through the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure and Council’s 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Annual Budgets.
The project has been divided into two stages.
The first stage of the project, which was completed in December 2018, included:
- A new boardwalk
- refurbished toilets
- new vegetation
- jetty plaza and information shelter
- public art
- upgraded car park
The second stage of the project will include:
- Playground Redevelopment
- Pump Track
- Redevelopment of the town entrance at Standish Street
- General landscaping across the Stage 1 and Stage 2 spaces
Over the course of two years, Council has worked with the Allendale Area School on STEM projects relating to The Waterfront redevelopment. During 2018, Year 8 students worked on a playground design project as part of their maths and science classes to contribute to the overall concept design development for Stage 2. These are local students who will access and use the area regularly and Council wanted to obtain input from young people in the district in a meaningful and innovative way.
What is The Waterfront?
The Waterfront Project involves a co-ordinated re-development along Sea Parade, adjacent to the Port MacDonnell Jetty. It will bring to life the foreshore space along Sea Parade by improving community facilities, providing linkages to other parts of the township, building cohesion with the recently upgraded jetty and creating an integrated space for people to enjoy.
At a total cost of $1,875m, it’s a significant project to be undertaken by the District Council of Grant and has been made possible by two successful funding applications through the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure and Council’s 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Annual Budgets.
The project has been divided into two stages.
The first stage of the project, which was completed in December 2018, included:
- A new boardwalk
- refurbished toilets
- new vegetation
- jetty plaza and information shelter
- public art
- upgraded car park
The second stage of the project will include:
- Playground Redevelopment
- Pump Track
- Redevelopment of the town entrance at Standish Street
- General landscaping across the Stage 1 and Stage 2 spaces
Over the course of two years, Council has worked with the Allendale Area School on STEM projects relating to The Waterfront redevelopment. During 2018, Year 8 students worked on a playground design project as part of their maths and science classes to contribute to the overall concept design development for Stage 2. These are local students who will access and use the area regularly and Council wanted to obtain input from young people in the district in a meaningful and innovative way.
Works Progressing
Share Works Progressing on Facebook Share Works Progressing on Twitter Share Works Progressing on Linkedin Email Works Progressing linkWorks are continuing to evolve on Stage 2 of the Waterfront project with all underground infrastructure now in place and the main paths within the space completed.
Progress on the site has been kept to a measured schedule in order to create as little disruption as possible around construction areas and the existing playground throughout the towns peak tourism period.
Council has been collaborating with students at Grant High School and the Port MacDonnell Men’s Shed on various components of the new play space and these items, together with the repurposed and renovated Liberty Swing, will be installed within the next month.
The new shelters including BBQ’s and seating are due for installation last week of February and while the main pieces of play equipment have been held up in international ports, Council is confident this will not affect their ability to deliver the project on time.
Works on the Standish Street entrance node are tracking well with the new signage having been installed, and should be near completion by end of February.
Behind the scenes, Mimosa Nursery have been establishing seedlings and plantings that will form the final landscaping for the site. These are progressing well and will be ready to plant by the revised end of March completion date.
Stage 2 Playspace Update
Share Stage 2 Playspace Update on Facebook Share Stage 2 Playspace Update on Twitter Share Stage 2 Playspace Update on Linkedin Email Stage 2 Playspace Update linkPart of the development along the foreshore at Port MacDonnell will deliver a new playspace with hero pieces such as a giant boat and six meter tower with a slide and climbing wall, natural water play, an in-ground trampoline, as well as swings and other play elements. A hybrid approach between nature and adventure play is the design principle the team at Oxigen have used to inspire the development.
Mayor Sage explained that community consultation in late 2019 highlighted a need for more seating and shelters along the foreshore, so Council decided to expand the scope of the project to include a new shelter and seating on Sea Parade. Furthermore, to ensure the playground is delivered to a high quality standard that the community expect, additional resources to the value of $160,000 from Council’s Open Space Contribution fund have been allocated to this project taking the project budget to $865,000.
For further information about Councils Open Space Contributions Fund or the budget process for this project, please see the Land Division Open Space Policy tab to the right or contact Council for more information.
The current playground on the foreshore will remain in place until after Christmas with works on this area and Standish Street starting late January and to be complete by end of March. This will still give the community and visitors a playground to use over the summer months.
The Waterfront Stage 2 is expected to start late October 2020 and be completed by March 2020.
Contractor Announced for Waterfront Stage 2 Project
Share Contractor Announced for Waterfront Stage 2 Project on Facebook Share Contractor Announced for Waterfront Stage 2 Project on Twitter Share Contractor Announced for Waterfront Stage 2 Project on Linkedin Email Contractor Announced for Waterfront Stage 2 Project linkThe District Council of Grant is pleased to announce the appointment of Gambier Earth Movers as the head contractor for the Waterfront Stage 2 project at Port MacDonnell.
The contract with Gambier Earth Movers was readily agreed to by Council due the knowledge and experience gained from Stage 1 as well as the use of local contractors and the level of workmanship previously demonstrated. The contract also includes an update to the Standish Street intersection and a new shelter and picnic seating on Sea Parade.
Engineering Manager at Gambier Earth Movers Adam Maywald said that the project is a welcomed boost.
“During these uncertain times of COVID-19 the Waterfront Stage 2 will form a significant part of our works program going forward for the latter part of this year. A significant portion of our employees, all who live locally, had the opportunity to assist with the Stage 1 works, building a personal connection with the project goals, feeling like they were contributing to something that would be admired by the public for many years to come, and they are relishing the opportunity to do the same with Stage 2.”
“We thank the District Council of Grant for again keeping their investment local, and look forward to continuing to contribute to this landmark community project for the Limestone Coast region".
Boandik Cultural Posts
Share Boandik Cultural Posts on Facebook Share Boandik Cultural Posts on Twitter Share Boandik Cultural Posts on Linkedin Email Boandik Cultural Posts linkA collaboration between Council and the First Nations of the South East sees the installation of a set of Boandik cultural posts at the Port MacDonnell Foreshore precinct.
The Boandik Posts set a lovely context for Boandik language and culture and are part of the ongoing upgrades to the Port MacDonnell foreshore through the Waterfront project.
Community Voices captured for the Waterfront Project
Share Community Voices captured for the Waterfront Project on Facebook Share Community Voices captured for the Waterfront Project on Twitter Share Community Voices captured for the Waterfront Project on Linkedin Email Community Voices captured for the Waterfront Project linkDistrict Council of Grant Chief Executive Officer Mr Darryl Whicker welcomed the feedback from the community regarding the concept proposals for Stage 2.
“Council are pleased with the response rate to the online and hard copy survey which asked the community what they liked about the concepts and any further ideas and comments to be considered in the final design” Mr Whicker said.
“The opinions and feedback presented were diverse and varied, as to be expected from a project such as this, demonstrating keen interest and passion from the community”.
To capture the many comments and ideas that were received throughout the process, Council developed a Community Voices document. Ideas raised through the consultation phase will be picked up from these comments and included where possible.
Access the full document in the documents library.
FAQ The Waterfront Stage 2
Share FAQ The Waterfront Stage 2 on Facebook Share FAQ The Waterfront Stage 2 on Twitter Share FAQ The Waterfront Stage 2 on Linkedin Email FAQ The Waterfront Stage 2 linkWant to know more about the Waterfront Project - Stage 2?
Our FAQ will answer some of these questions for you!
Search for it in the document library and don't forget to register for Your Say DCG.
Letter to the Editor of The Border Watch 25 October 2019
Share Letter to the Editor of The Border Watch 25 October 2019 on Facebook Share Letter to the Editor of The Border Watch 25 October 2019 on Twitter Share Letter to the Editor of The Border Watch 25 October 2019 on Linkedin Email Letter to the Editor of The Border Watch 25 October 2019 linkLetter to the Editor of The Border Watch
I would like to clarify statements made in The Border Watch (24 October) regarding Stage 2 of The Waterfront Project.
It is disappointing to hear that residents are unhappy about the development of the foreshore in Port MacDonnell as no formal concept plans have been released to the community.
It is stated that the community need clarity on the blueprint which is exactly what we are trying to achieve through a thorough consultation process which will begin on Monday, 28th October.
The Waterfront Project is a fabulous opportunity for the community of Port MacDonnell as well as visitors to the area, providing recreational spaces to embrace the foreshore environment and enjoy an array of activities.
I provide the following factual information.
· The State Government announced in July funding of $352,500 for Stage 2 of The Waterfront Project. The, the District Council of Grant will co-fund 50% of the project, taking it to the value of $705,000.
· Council are currently in the concept design phase for three main elements of the project; a new playground, an update of the town entrance at Standish Street and a new fitness park adjacent to Tenterden Reserve. The concept design takes into consideration the Port MacDonnell Urban Design Framework and Master Plan which was developed in consultation with the Port MacDonnell community and subsequently adopted by Council in 2014, as well as the playground design developed by the Allendale East Area School Year 8 students in 2018.
· The playground concept design will be themed around nature and has been designed to suit needs of all aged children up to about 14. Some of the key features include swings for all ages, a tower/lookout and slide, as well as water and sand play. Unfortunately The Little Hunter Boat within the existing playground is rotten and beyond repair, however a boat has been included in the playground concept design.
· The community will not be losing access to the beach on either side of the jetty. There will be an access track from the new playground through the vegetation to the beach. To provide access on the western side of the jetty, a ramp will be constructed which will provide access to both the beachside and the sandpit side of the boardwalk. These works will be undertaken once the construction of the rock wall on the outside edge of the boardwalk is completed. Construction of this wall was included in Council’s 2019-20 Capital Works Budget and involves removing a section of the gabion wall and re-using the rocks.
· The bus shelter that was removed during Stage 1 was in extremely poor condition and was considered unsafe to the public. The remaining shelters are in varying condition and if they are to remain will need substantial remedial work together with new artwork or painting.
· Any historical relics and memorials currently located along the foreshore are being considered with great thought and care. The concept design includes a proposal to relocate these items to the Boat Ramp Precinct where it is envisaged that a memorial wall may also be constructed.
From Monday 28 October 2019 a three week public consultation process and will consist of the following:
· Online via YourSayDCG where the public can register and complete the survey online at https://yoursaydcg.com.au/. Alternatively, hard copies of the survey along with concept designs will be available at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex as well as the Mount Gambier Office.
· Hard copy of concept plan and survey, together with a copy of the Master Plan, will be located at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex and Mount Gambier Office.
· A drop in session will be held at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex on 7 November 2019 from 10.00am to 2.00pm. This will allow members of the community to speak one on one with Council staff and their local Elected Member, Cr Gillian Clayfield.
This community consultation will ensure that everyone has an opportunity to be involved in and influence the final design of Stage 2 of The Waterfront Project and I strongly encourage the community to participate.
Council to Launch Community Consultation for The Waterfront
Share Council to Launch Community Consultation for The Waterfront on Facebook Share Council to Launch Community Consultation for The Waterfront on Twitter Share Council to Launch Community Consultation for The Waterfront on Linkedin Email Council to Launch Community Consultation for The Waterfront linkCouncil are in the concept design phase for three main elements of the project; a new playground, an update of the town entrance at Standish Street and a new fitness park adjacent to Tenterden Reserve. The aim of the project is to provide recreational spaces that encourage the community of Port MacDonnell to embrace the foreshore environment and enjoy an array of activities.
So far the concept design has been based on feedback received from the community during the development and subsequent adoption of the Port MacDonnell Urban Design Framework and Master Plan in 2014, together with the playground design developed by the Allendale East Area School Year 8 students in 2018. Everyone living, working and enjoying the foreshore area are encouraged to have their say in shaping and influencing the concept design. On Monday 28 October 2019 an online survey will be open to the public concluding on Friday 15 November 2019. This is in line with Council’s Public Consultation Policy.
Acting Chief Executive Officer, Jane Fetherstonhaugh, said;
“The community consultation will ensure that everyone has an opportunity to be involved in and influence the final design of Stage 2 of The Waterfront Project; and I encourage the community to participate.”
Mrs Fetherstonhaugh went on to say that the survey results will provide Council with consolidated feedback for Council to finalise the design.
Community members can register and complete the survey online at www.yoursaydcg.com.au. Alternatively, hard copies of the survey along with concept designs are available at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex as well as the Commercial Street West Office.
Council will also be holding a drop-in session at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex on Thursday 7 November 2019 from 10.00am to 2.00pm. This will provide the community the opportunity to speak one-on-one about the project with Council staff and Elected Member, Cr Gillian Clayfield.
Stage 2 Funding Announced
Share Stage 2 Funding Announced on Facebook Share Stage 2 Funding Announced on Twitter Share Stage 2 Funding Announced on Linkedin Email Stage 2 Funding Announced linkStage 2 of the Waterfront redevelopment at Port MacDonnell will kick off in 2019 with a successful funding allocation by Minister Stephan Knoll through the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure. Awarded $352,500 for the project through the Planning and Development Fund, the District Council of Grant will co-fund 50% of the project with the State Government to take the project to the value of $705,000. The project will deliver new playground, fitness park, redevelopment of the town entrance at Standish Street and general landscaping across the Stage 1 and Stage 2 spaces.
Life Cycle
28 October - Community Consultation Opens
Port MacDonnell Waterfront Project has finished this stageOnline community consulation and hard copy feedback forms are available at the Port MacDonnell Communtiy Complex.
15 November - Community Consultation Closes
Port MacDonnell Waterfront Project has finished this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review.
All submissions to be recevied by 5pm. -
2 December - Summary of submissions provided at Council Meeting
Port MacDonnell Waterfront Project has finished this stagePublic are always welcome to the meeting
December/February - Detail Design Phase
Port MacDonnell Waterfront Project has finished this stageBased on the community consultation Council will develop the detail designs and costings for the project.
February/March 2020 - Tender and Procurement Phase
Port MacDonnell Waterfront Project has finished this stage -
November 2020 - Stage 2 Construction Commences
Port MacDonnell Waterfront Project has finished this stage -
May 2021 - Project Complete!
Port MacDonnell Waterfront Project is currently at this stage -
Ongoing - Regular updates and information provide to public
this is an upcoming stage for Port MacDonnell Waterfront ProjectKeep checking Your Say DCG for updates and information on the project!