Strategic Land Use Priorities

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Have your say on future development in the District of Council of Grant, by reviewing the modelling undertaken and recommendations of where future residential and commercial/industrial growth could be located.


The State Planning Commission (SPC) has commenced preparation of Regional Plans for the seven regions in South Australia, including one for the Limestone Coast. Regional Plans provide a long-term vision for a region to guide land use planning over a 15 to 30 year period, with a particular focus on the integration of land use, transport infrastructure and public realm.

In 2022, District Council of Grant engaged consultants MasterPlan to undertake modelling of future employment and residential growth options and prepare a data report outlining options and recommendations.

Council resolved to seek community feedback on the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project, with this public feedback utilised to validate Council’s input into the process of developing the Regional Plan by the SPC.

Council’s engagement process may also provide the community with further data and information to assist with making informed submissions when SPC engages on the Limestone Coast Regional Plan in coming months.

What is proposed?

Strategic and policy planning informs the Regional Plan through a collaborative process which includes the State Government, Local Government and community stakeholders. The Minister for Planning and the State Planning Commission are the key decision makers, but Council has a key role in providing local context, identifying potential policy amendments and opportunities for strategic growth and development. Once the Regional Plan is in place, each council also has a role to facilitate the envisaged development for their area.

The Strategic Land Use Priorities Project provides recommendations and supports Council with a clear basis for engaging with the State Planning Commission during development of Limestone Coast Regional Plan.

The State Planning Commission’s engagement on the draft Limestone Cost Regional Plan is currently anticipated to take place in late-2024 or early-2025.

Council is seeking input from industry and community stakeholders to provide guidance in the ongoing submissions and representations it makes throughout the process of developing the Regional Plan. Feedback received will assist Council in defining its position on where growth should occur within the district.

Council’s engagement also provides the community with further data and information to assist in the preparation of informed submissions when engagement on the Limestone Coast Regional Plan occurs.

Get involved

Council is seeking community feedback on the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project report.

Review the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project full document and/or Summary Report, and have your say by:

  • Completing the online feedback form
  • Emailing feedback to
  • Submitting a hard copy feedback form or letter to:
    1. Principal Office: 324 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier
    2. Port MacDonnell Community Complex: 5-7 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell
    3. Post: PO Box 724, Mount Gambier SA 5290

Feedback will be accepted until 5.00pm Monday 29 April 2024.

Hard copies of the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project document and feedback form are available at:

  • Council's Principal Office at 324 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier; and
  • Port MacDonnell Community Complex at 5-7 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell.

Do you have questions about the Project?

Submit your query in the Q&A section below for Council staff and MasterPlan to answer in video form.

Council staff are also contactable at the Principal Office on (08) 8721 0444 or and/or, by appointment, at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex.

What’s next?

A Q&A (question and answer) video will be posted on this project page to provide answers to any questions submitted in the first two weeks of the consultation. Questions can be submitted Q&A section below.

All feedback received by the close of consultation at 5:00pm Monday 29 April 2024 will be considered by Council staff and the consultant, and a ‘What we have heard’ summary report will be prepared and made public on this page.

Council will consider the feedback and incorporate it in its response to engagement by the State Planning Commission on the draft Regional Plan for the Limestone Coast.

Have your say on future development in the District of Council of Grant, by reviewing the modelling undertaken and recommendations of where future residential and commercial/industrial growth could be located.


The State Planning Commission (SPC) has commenced preparation of Regional Plans for the seven regions in South Australia, including one for the Limestone Coast. Regional Plans provide a long-term vision for a region to guide land use planning over a 15 to 30 year period, with a particular focus on the integration of land use, transport infrastructure and public realm.

In 2022, District Council of Grant engaged consultants MasterPlan to undertake modelling of future employment and residential growth options and prepare a data report outlining options and recommendations.

Council resolved to seek community feedback on the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project, with this public feedback utilised to validate Council’s input into the process of developing the Regional Plan by the SPC.

Council’s engagement process may also provide the community with further data and information to assist with making informed submissions when SPC engages on the Limestone Coast Regional Plan in coming months.

What is proposed?

Strategic and policy planning informs the Regional Plan through a collaborative process which includes the State Government, Local Government and community stakeholders. The Minister for Planning and the State Planning Commission are the key decision makers, but Council has a key role in providing local context, identifying potential policy amendments and opportunities for strategic growth and development. Once the Regional Plan is in place, each council also has a role to facilitate the envisaged development for their area.

The Strategic Land Use Priorities Project provides recommendations and supports Council with a clear basis for engaging with the State Planning Commission during development of Limestone Coast Regional Plan.

The State Planning Commission’s engagement on the draft Limestone Cost Regional Plan is currently anticipated to take place in late-2024 or early-2025.

Council is seeking input from industry and community stakeholders to provide guidance in the ongoing submissions and representations it makes throughout the process of developing the Regional Plan. Feedback received will assist Council in defining its position on where growth should occur within the district.

Council’s engagement also provides the community with further data and information to assist in the preparation of informed submissions when engagement on the Limestone Coast Regional Plan occurs.

Get involved

Council is seeking community feedback on the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project report.

Review the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project full document and/or Summary Report, and have your say by:

  • Completing the online feedback form
  • Emailing feedback to
  • Submitting a hard copy feedback form or letter to:
    1. Principal Office: 324 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier
    2. Port MacDonnell Community Complex: 5-7 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell
    3. Post: PO Box 724, Mount Gambier SA 5290

Feedback will be accepted until 5.00pm Monday 29 April 2024.

Hard copies of the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project document and feedback form are available at:

  • Council's Principal Office at 324 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier; and
  • Port MacDonnell Community Complex at 5-7 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell.

Do you have questions about the Project?

Submit your query in the Q&A section below for Council staff and MasterPlan to answer in video form.

Council staff are also contactable at the Principal Office on (08) 8721 0444 or and/or, by appointment, at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex.

What’s next?

A Q&A (question and answer) video will be posted on this project page to provide answers to any questions submitted in the first two weeks of the consultation. Questions can be submitted Q&A section below.

All feedback received by the close of consultation at 5:00pm Monday 29 April 2024 will be considered by Council staff and the consultant, and a ‘What we have heard’ summary report will be prepared and made public on this page.

Council will consider the feedback and incorporate it in its response to engagement by the State Planning Commission on the draft Regional Plan for the Limestone Coast.

  • Strategic Land Use Priorities Project - Final Advocacy Approach Endorsed

    Share Strategic Land Use Priorities Project - Final Advocacy Approach Endorsed on Facebook Share Strategic Land Use Priorities Project - Final Advocacy Approach Endorsed on Twitter Share Strategic Land Use Priorities Project - Final Advocacy Approach Endorsed on Linkedin Email Strategic Land Use Priorities Project - Final Advocacy Approach Endorsed link
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    At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 15 July 2024, Council endorsed that they:

    1. Receive and note Council report Strategic Land Use Priorities Project- Final Advocacy Approach including the What We Heard Report by MasterPlan, and Memo by MasterPlan as presented on 15 July 2024.
    2. Approve the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project output - subject to the updates as referenced in this Council Report, and any minor formatting and administrative changes that are delegated for the approval of the CEO. Once any edits are finalised, the document be uploaded to Council’s website and Your Say page to close out the community engagement on the project.
    3. Approve the CEO, and relevant delegates, to proactively advocate to inform the upcoming Limestone Coast Regional Plan process to be undertaken by The State Planning Commission; in accordance with the policy positions described in the (13) industrial/employment lands recommendations, and; (8) residential land recommendations, listed in the body of the Council Report Strategic Land Use Priorities Project- Final Advocacy Approach as presented on 15 July 2024, and as further supported by and described in the report’s three attachments:

    a. What We Heard Report by MasterPlan,

    b. SLUPP Report- Version for Consultation April 2024,

    c. Recommendations Memo by MasterPlan

    A copy of the Meeting Report, via the Agenda, and Minutes can be found on Council's website.

  • Strategic Land Use Priorities Project open for consultation

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    District Council of Grant reveals measured future growth scenarios in a draft Strategic Land Use Priorities Project document and invites community feedback.

    With the assistance of town and country planning consultants MasterPlan, hypothetical growth scenarios have been generated indicating where and how a significant population increase could be accommodated in relation to residential living and industrial areas.

    District Council of Grant Chief Executive Officer Darryl Whicker said initial engagement with key industry stakeholders over the last twelve months has helped align modelling with industry needs.

    “This work provides growth opportunities for our district by proposing zoning amendments. The Strategic Land Use Priorities Project’s purpose is to identify future residential and industrial growth areas within the district. It also outlines how Council may accommodate future growth without impacting the existing character of townships and protecting valuable agricultural land,” Mr Whicker said.

    “Council now presents a document for consultation which considers the needs of our district now and into the future. Council is seeking feedback from all segments of our community and stakeholders with a keen interest,”

    “It should be noted that this work does not guarantee that a significant population increase will occur, however should growth occur it in the future, Council will be in a comfortable position to prepare appropriately.”

    Mayor Boston said the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project will allow Council to advocate for planning policy zoning amendments.

    “This process is exciting as the intention is for this Project to influence the Limestone Coast Regional Plan being created by the State Planning Commission. That’s an important document which will give a long-term vision for our region as a whole and guide land use planning over a 15 to 30 year period,” Mayor Boston said.

    “Though no Regional Plan engagement dates have been announced, we want to ensure the District Council of Grant is at the forefront of discussions.”

    For more information about the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project, visit Council’s online community engagement platform Your Say DCG at

    Hard copy documents can be reviewed at Council’s Principal Office at 324 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier and Port MacDonnell Community Complex at 5-7 Charles Street, Port MacDonnell.

    Feedback will be accepted until 5:00pm Monday 29 April 2024.

Page last updated: 22 Jan 2025, 10:47 AM